Mrs. Kratovil
No School - Teacher
Correct Hmwk
Lesson 4.4: Graphing Equations in Slope Intercept Form
Assignment: Slope-Intercept Wkst.
Correct Homework
Chapter 4 Quiz
No Class
Go Over Test
Lesson 6.1: Review
No Assignment
Lesson 6.2: Solve Systems Using Substitution
Assignment: Wkst 6.2 Part 1
Language Arts
-OA, outline and rough draft work time
-OA,write/type rough draft, ready to revise on Thursday
-OA, revise rough draft
Christmas Break
Mrs. Keninger
Turn in epicenter lab; Where is the epicenter? Design earthquake structures
build and test structures
build structures
Christmas Break
Read Aloud; Tone and Mood Activity; Independent Reading
Read Aloud; Asking Questions; Independent Reading
Read Aloud; Letter to Ponyboy; Independent Reading
Social Studies
9.3 Notes
No Class
9.4 Notes; War of 1812
Team Brochure 2015-2016
weekly homework.docx
Homework: Students are expected to hand in all assigned work on time. Turning assignments in late will result in lowering of the grade to no better than an 90%. Assignments are posted daily (after 10:30 a.m.) on the 8th Grade Team Website.Absent Students: Students who are absent are expected to get ALL the assignments they missed on the first day they return to school.Pre-Plans: Students who plan to be gone need to get their assignments ahead of time and need to have them COMPLETED by the next class period.Tardiness: Students are expected to be in their seats when the bell rings or they will be considered tardy. Individual teachers will monitor student tardiness in their room and, as needed, will assign time outside the regular school day for those that are habitually tardy.Extra Credit: Teachers will discuss extra credit options with students on an individual basis. Students who have not completed assigned work will not be offered extra credit options.
Evaluation will be based on student involvement in discussions, activities, group work and projects as well as performance on daily assignments, quizzes, and chapter tests.
Parents are encouraged to call when they have concerns about their child. If the teacher is in a class and not available, the parent should leave a message with the secretary and their call will be returned as soon as possible.