6th Grade Cruise

The 6th Grade Tech Cruise is designed to understand and proficiently use the Microsoft Office Suite. We will be concentrating on MS Word, MS Excel, and MS PowerPoint. We will also touching the areas of coding, typing and creating photo stories.

7th Grade Cruise 

7th Grade Tech Cruise is designed to take the Office Suite to the next level by incorporating Google Technologies into each program. We will be working with Google Classroom, Google Drive, and many of the apps associated with Google. We will also be working in Adobe Photoshop, coding, and typing.

8th Grade Tech

In 8th Grade Tech we will be concentrating on everything Google. We will explore the wide range of Google applications available to us. We also learn about computers themselves by performing a dissection. Other areas of interest include video editing and coding.





About Me

I curently teach computer applications to the 6th, 7th, nad 8th Grade levels. I also teach 7th Grade Science. Coaching is one of my favorite things to do. I coach MS Football and MS Wrestling. I am a Madison Alumni, graduating in 1998. I earned my degree from DSU in 2004. Please use the links below to contact me.

Mr. T. Johnson

Computer Applications

